To educate yourself, and find out more about what you can do to help, you can visit these websites:
1Sky ( ) - The 1Sky Campaign is dedicated to aggregating a massive nationwide movement by communicating a positive vision and a coherent set of national policies to slow climate change.
350 ( ) - A group dedicated to raising awareness of the need for reducing the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide to 350 ppm. As Bill McKibben says, "350 is the red line for human beings, the most important number on the planet. The most recent science tells us that unless we can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to 350 parts per million, we will cause huge and irreversible damage to the earth."
An Inconvenient Truth ( or ) - The first website is tied to the Academy Award-winning documentary "An Inconvenient Truth," that discusses climate change and urges the American public to act. The second website describes Al Gore's "We" campaign to spread information explaining that climate change is both urgent and solvable.
Blue Man Group on Global Warming ( - These distinctive and talented entertainers have an important message for citizens who care about our future.
Clean Air - Cool Planet ( ) - A cool nonprofit organization dedicated to finding and promoting solutions to global warming.
Climate Change Education ( ) - A climate change portal website run by a volunteer organization of students, scientists and staff at University of California campuses who conduct hands-on science demonstrations, and do much more, to contribute to educating people about climate change and energy.
Climate Crisis Coalition ( ) - A group aiming to build a coalition that unfolds a national and visible action campaign, making it impossible for citizens and governments to ignore the climate crisis.
Climate Crisis Jam ( ) - A musical message promoting concerns about global warming.
Climate Events Calendar ( ) - A free, international climate change activist event calendar. By using this calendar, concerned citizens around the world can work together to help fight climate change.
Climate Progress ( ) - A must-read, daily blog providing an aggressive insider's view on climate science, politics and solutions.
Climate Science Watch ( ) - a nonprofit public interest education and advocacy project dedicated to holding public officials accountable for the integrity and effectiveness with which they use climate science and related research in government policymaking. Has the goal of enabling society to respond effectively to the challenges posed by climate change.
Climate Service ( ) - A new U.S. government website that provides official, high-quality climate-related forecasts and background information.
Cool the Earth, Save the Economy ( ) - A book that answers questions about the greatest challenge facing mankind. The authors present a feasible plan to reduce current annual US carbon emissions, propose an innovative policy, and review and asssess alternative approaches and technologies.
Database for U.S. Incentives For Renewables & Efficiencies ( ) - A comprehensive U.S. source of information on state, local, utility, and federal incentives that promote renewable energy and energy efficiency.
Earth 2100 ( - Is this the final century of our civilization? Earth 2100 is a made-for-TV documentary that shows how the combination of population growth, resource depletion and climate change could converge with catastrophic results.
Earth Hour ( ) - An event created to take a stand against the greatest threat our planet has ever faced, Earth Hour uses the simple action of turning off the lights for one hour to deliver a powerful message about the need for action on global warming. ( ) - A U.S. government website outlining available reports on all the climate change research the government has done over the past twenty years.
Global Warming 101 ( - National Geographic's introductory videos on climate change. ( ) - A project of -- with great links for kids on global warming concepts and solutions.
Grist: Environmental News and Commentary ( ) - A complete listing of short articles providing responses to every main type of skeptical comment on climate change.
Keep Winter Cold ( ) - A partnership promoting a polar plunge in December to raise awareness for global warming and to "Keep Winter Cold," led by the Chesapeake Climate Action Network and the U.S. Climate Energy Council.
Psychology ( - Psychology also plays a role in explaining why many people are unaware of the impacts of climate change. You'll be amazed at the videos at this link.
Power Shift ( - An organization that encourages young people from across the country to carry a message of bold, comprehensive and immediate federal climate action to Washington, D.C.
Real Climate ( ) - A site providing commentary on climate science, run by respected working climate scientists.
Ron Prinn's Presentation at Cambridge Forum ( - Dr. Ronald Prinn, TEPCO Professor of Atmospheric Science in MIT's Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Science, shares the result of his project measuring the rates of change in atmospheric concentrations of trace greenhouse gases.
Senator Barbara Boxer ( ) - A site where you can voice your views on global warming, and on what you think the U.S. government should do, to the chairwomen of the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works.
Skeptical Science ( - A website that gets skeptical about global warming skepticism. Do skeptics' arguments have any scientific basis? What does the peer reviewed scientific literature say?
Stop Global Warming ( ) - An informative site where you can join an on-going virtual march to promote more U.S. involvement in the steps needed to slow global warming. Currently, Stop Global Warming has over 1,000,000 marchers, including many prominent citizens.
Take Aim at Climate Change ( - This 4-minute rap-video is the best we've seen of this genre. Worth watching and sharing with others.
The Heat is Online ( ) - An information-packed site maintained by Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter, editor and author, Ross Gelbspan.
The Most Important Video You'll Ever See ( - A distinguished professor explains why geometric growth is unsustainable on Earth.
U.S. Climate Change Science Program ( - Official U.S. government-sponsored website about climate change effects and the science behind them. Free climate change studies available.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ( ) - The official U.S. Environmental Protection Agency site, loaded with information, including a kids' area.
U.S. National Academies ( ) - This U.S. National Academies site provides access to information from the nation's top scientists, engineers and other experts, all of whom volunteer their time to study specific concerns that are important to U.S. interests. Up to 15 printed copies of the informative booklet "Understanding and Responding to Climate Change" may be ordered at no charge.
Wake Up, Freak Out and Get a Grip ( ) - A brief, 12-minute video discussing climate change and how it affects human civilization.
Will Steger Foundation ( - Established in January 2006, the Will Steger Foundation (WSF) is dedicated to creating programs that foster international leadership and cooperation through environmental education and policy.
Wit's End ( ) - An interesting blog -- often incorporating great photography -- that discusses climate change impacts on nature, with a special focus on trees.
WonderingMind42 ( - A creative educator uses a series of videos to juggle science, logic, and puckish humor about climate change to tell viewers "How It All Ends."